Wow things are going crazy here
Seems like life is on overload. This year I made the decision to go back to work part time. Now that Caden is in school it is time for me to do something with my education etc. But going back to work means lots of changes. I had to go buy new clothes, you know the kind grown ups wear, LOL. Getting the house together was another big one. I need to be able to have it easy to take care of since I won't be around as much. I also had to slow my load down with extra curricular activities including the building of my new center. Which is still in the works but will move at a slower pace. So today I get the call from my new boss that myself and four others need to go to Stockton for all these certification classes the state now requires. Okay sure no problem, oh wait Houston we do have a problem. I have kids. I just can't go and do as I please. Well wouldn't you know it, the great perk to working for our school district. They had that problem solved. My kids get to attend the after school program free of charge. Now I am not exactly thrilled that the kids will be in day care but I am thrilled that it is free and it alleviated one worry from my mind, WHEW!!!!! But here is the bummer part I will be in my classes until 9:30pm, BLECH! But it is only for two days and it won't kill me. My family will just need to adjust. I am so excited to be able to finally get out and do something. It will mean a little bit more spending money (we all know where that will be spent, LOL). It will mean I will finally get to use my education again. It also means I will get to go back to school and finally finish my degree. I told Greg the other day that I think I want to teach High School Lit. So I am looking to entering the credential program in the spring. Woo-hoo All this and I also gearing up for the really big announcement. I am so excited it is killing me that I can't tell you yet. But I promise it won't be much longer. Here is to a great day for all of you!
It's starting to kill me too LOL!
Wow Amy, you are going to be one busy lady soon with your terrific annoucement, the center and school!! So very happy for you!!! LUCKY YOU!!
Congrats on the job - that is wonderful! Good luck with getting your degree and YAY on the extra scrapbooking money!! :)
WOW! You sure are a busy little bee these days! Good luck with it all! I hope everything works out great! :)
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