Who Give's a Scrap!

This is my little space in the world to sit back and enjoy life and scrapbooking. I will showcase my LO's photos, life and so much more. Sit back and enjoy and as you read and comment you become one of my "Blog Reading Diva's!"

Some people never learn nor grow up!

Okay so as some of you know there have been a few things happening with a "problem" member at the site. Well she says she has left but people have seen her on the site. But that is neither here nor there. Ever since she joined the site she has done nothing but cause problems. When she didn't make the DT she bashed those that did and did some very childish things. Then whenever someone posts something she tries to stir up contriversy. She has even accused one of our members of being a stalker, LOL. She always brings the happiness and the tone of the board down with her poor attitude. But here is the kicker the woman is of Grandmother age. Okay all the Grandma's I know do not thrive on making problems and acting like juveniles. I really think she has some major problems and wants to bring everyone down with her. Well somehow I was anonimously emailed a posting to a blog she wrote accusing us (mainly me) of being rude, LOL. I have always been very sweet. Well in her blog she said she was prettier and better than the rest of us. I just about died, LOL. She said we were all intimidated by her beauty and power. Yeah okay whatever, I have never in my life been intimidated by another person. Even women who ARE beautiful. If you are going to post something then please post the truth and not lies. People can see through lies and we all have seen through hers. She is constantly trying to pit us all against one another, but what she doesn't know is that we have all joined together as one and refuse to listen to or believe her lies. So anyway, this BLOG is not of my usual nature but I have just had it with rude people and isn't that what blogs are for? They are for venting! Love to all my Blog Reading "divas"
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At 6:52 PM, Blogger Terry said...

You are loved and supported!    

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Susie said...

None of the Design team is going to worry that there are any problems between us as we are a team and chosen because of not only are quality of our workmanship but also our PERSONALITIES! Laura looked at the type of persons we were also when picking the TEAM and knew who would make a good team! SO THE DESIGN TEAM IS JUST THAT A TEAM and teams work together!    

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Angela said...

LMAO! Beauty?!? Ooooookay! I PRAY I don't look like that when I'm a grandma. She's a kook. Just a few fries short of a Happy Meal! KWIM?    

At 8:47 PM, Blogger inkyinindy said...

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At 8:55 PM, Blogger *Jeanne* said...

Amy... Please consider the source here.. OMG! Talk about getting a life. She needs to get one. She might be able to pick one up on sale at Walmart. lol

Beauty? Barf! NOT!

She needs to get the hint... to LEAVE YOU ALONE! Go AWAY!    

At 3:42 AM, Blogger inkyinindy said...

Its ok Amy....no matter what she tells herself and her little "friends" we all know the common denominator here is HER.

I second what Jeanne says...."LEAVE US ALONE" go find another site, now....your work is done, we know how ridiculous you are.    

At 4:01 AM, Blogger LindaE said...

Well, as her style, she posted something on my blog last night snd then deleted it. Yeah the woman really isn't worth the time or the effort.    

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Janean Campbell said...

You said that just perfect. Some people need to learn when to just give up and get on with life.    

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