This is my little space in the world to sit back and enjoy life and scrapbooking. I will showcase my LO's photos, life and so much more. Sit back and enjoy and as you read and comment you become one of my "Blog Reading Diva's!"
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Got this in an email and had to share:
Some of you are not fortunate enough to know what most of this is...
Close your eyes...And go back...
....Before the Internet or PC or the MAC......
....Before semi-automatics and crack....
....Before Playstation, SEGA, Super Nintendo, even before Atari...
....Before cell phones, CD's, DVD's, voicemail and e-mail....
....way back....
....way.....way.....way back.....
I'm talkin' bout hide and seek at dusk
Red light, Green light
Red Rover....Red Rover.....
Playing kickball & dodgeball until the
Streetlight came on
Ring around the Rosie
London Bridge
Hot potato
Hop Scotch
Jump rope!!!
Parents stood on the front porch and yelled (or whistled) for you to come home - no pagers or cell phones
Mother May I?
Hula Hoops
Seeing shapes in the clouds
Endless summer days and hot summer nights (no A/C) with the windows open
The sound of crickets
Running through the sprinkler
Happy Meals
Cereal boxes with that GREAT prize in the bottom
Cracker jacks with the same thing
Ice pops with 2 sticks you could break and share with a friend
...but wait.....there's more....
Watchin' Saturday Morning cartoons
Fat Albert, Road Runner, Smurfs, Picture Pages, G-Force & He-Man,
Schoolhouse Rock
Watchin' Sunday morning oldies (Abbott & Costello, Three Stooges)
Wonder Woman & Super Man Underoos
Playing Dukes of Hazard
Catchin' lightning bugs in a jar
Christmas morning
Your first day of school
Bedtime Prayers and Goodnight Kisses
Climbing trees
Swinging as high as you could to try and reach the sky
Getting an Ice Cream off the Good Humor Truck
A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers
Jumpin' down the steps
Jumpin' on the bed
Pillow fights
A 13" black and white TV in your room meant you were RICH
Runnin' till you were out of breath
Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt
Being tired from PLAYING
WORK: meant taking out the garbage or doing the dishes
Your first crush
Your first kiss (I mean the one that you kept your mouth CLOSED and your eyes OPEN
Rainy days at school meant playing "Heads up 7UP" or hangman" in
The classroom, Remember that?
Oh, I'm not finished yet....
Kool-Aid was the drink of the summer
So was a swig from the hose
Giving your friends a ride on your handlebars
Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school
Class Field Trips with soggy sandwiches
When nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got there
When a quarter seemed like a fair allowance;
and another quarter a MIRACLE
When ANY parent could discipline ANY kid, or feed him, or use him
to carry groceries...And nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.
When your parents took you to McDonalds and you were COOL
When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to
the fate that awaited you at home.
Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of
drive by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.
Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! And some of
us are still afraid of em!
Didn't that feel good? Just to go back and say, "Yeah, I remember
Well, let's keep going!!
Let's go back to the time when...
Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo"
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!"
"Race issues" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "monopoly"
Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening
It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.
Being old, referred to anyone over 20. (CRAP! I'm officially old!)
The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was cooties.
Nobody was prettier than Mom
Scrapes and bruises were kissed by mom or grandma and made better
It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the "big people" rides at the amusement park.
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.
Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare"
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate, ultimate weapon.
Older siblings were your worst tormentors, but also your fiercest protector
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!
Okay so for those of you who ACTUALLY love to garden this is not the post for you, LOL. I am one of those people who absoultely, positively, really DISPISE gardening. I don't mean just the weeding part or any of that I mean the whole darn part of gardening. I realize God made Earth a beautiful place for us to inhabit, but come on, how can standing outside in the blistering heat to pluck at weeds, water, hoe, germinate, fertilize etc be any FUN. My motto has always been if it is not a rock or a weed I WON'T GROW IT!!!!! Okay so in comes my mother and my daughter. My complete hatred towards gardening I blame on my mother. As I grew up she had FIVE ACRES completely landscaped and she made me go out and help take care of the whole darn thing. Now why should I have been subject to taking care of her garden that she had to have. Yes she loved it and that was great. The woman had such a green thumb she could take a seed from an apple and grow a thriving apple tree. Me on the other hand seems to kill everything green that I touch. Well somehow my daughter has gained her Grandmother's addiction for gardening. So after much persuasion and the fact that we no longer have Cheyanne who loved to dig up the flowers I agreed to buy five flower pots, LOL. So here is our garden almost a whole month later. This picture depicts one of the five flower pots I allowed her to have. But the deal was she was to water it each and every day. Well guess who has watered it the last three days! Yes that would be me. So how did it go from my daughters garden to mine, LOL. Okay just my rant for the day! Oh and BTW the gaping hole in the middle of the pot is yes because two flowers died, LOL. I told you I don't grow things well!
Okay so on Wednesday I decided to start taking water aerobics at the clubhouse we belong too. Well I get there and it is a few older ladies, me and Jessica my friends 12 YO DD, LOL. Well come to find out the aerobics instructor quit because it was mainly older women. SO these faithful ladies had been trying to keep it going on their own, LOL. So guess who gets roped into teaching aerobics for the rest of the summer, yep that would be me, LOL. I will have to take pictures of me teaching the seniors aerobics. So those of you who know me, know I have a bit of a competitive streak in me. So I am hoping I am not too aggressive for these ladies. But who would quit teaching cause it is mainly seniors????? How rude is that????? So anyway tomorrow is my first day teaching and several friends are coming, LOL. These ladies will be so thrilled. I will let you all know how it goes! Wish me luck. Love to all my "blog reading Divas"
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Anyone who knows me well, knows I love to read quotes, use quotes and live by great inspirational sayings. My faith in God is strong and and I am not afraid to say it out loud. Saw this today and wanted to share:
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. - Stephen Covey
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Okay so my children and I had quite the interesting day today, LOL. I decided I wanted some really good home made Mexican food. So off to Lodi we ventured to get some errands done and to visit the Mexican market there in town. Now mind you this is no little side of the road Mexcian market. This is a full blown grocery store with the obvious Mexican delicacies, etc. So in I trot with my two blonde haired blue eyed children in tow, LOL. Of course yes we stick out like a really sore thumb. But no big deal as far as I am concerned. This is fun and I love to do culturally diverse things! I love for my children to see how other people do things etc. Well I was not quite prepared for the "experience". Okay so back to my story. I have the two blonde haired munchkins in tow. Walk in and realize I somehow missed the shopping carts. I turn around and low and behold there is a guard in the entry way. (wow is going my brain) Ask him very politely where I might find a cart and he directs me in the right direction with a sweet little smirk on his face. I am hearing his brain saying stupid blonde Gringo, LOL. Because yes I walked right past them and they were right under my nose. Okay so we get our cart and in I go. I of course am overwhelmed by the site of the fact that not only is it a grocery store but a full on restaurant, etc in there. Okay cool, we can do this. I have my little list in hand for a recipe from a friend at the safe. I walk over to the produce dept and get my Jalapeno's. I sniff them, okay wrong thing to do, the sneezes start. So I just grab some and throw them in a baggie, LOL. Get the other produce items I need and proceed to try and find the otehr things on my list. Okay so here is theone of the parts I was unprepapred for all the signs were in Spansh, LMAO. So I have to so very nicely ask what they say, LOL. Yes I am blonde and no I don't know Spanish. Okay so we make it through that hurdle. Well I realize I needed a name brand of something so I call Jeanne. I figured hey she needs to be a part of my experience with me. Oh wait I forgot the part where my sweet eight year old daughter says very loudly. Mommy what kind of store did you bring us to this is weird! Okay crawl under the cart and beat the child, LOL. So I get Jeanne to give me the brand name I need and proceed over to the meat cases. Okay so here is what I really wasn't prepapred for. Oh one thing I forgot to add was I almost married a hispanic guy. One who followed all the Hispanic rules to the tee. Go to Grandma's on Sunday for dinner, eat Menudo on Saturday, cook some really weird things to me, wanted me to wait on him.........Uh yeah this is where the relationship ended, LOL. Okay so I have seen some weird things. But I never realized you could just walk into a market and see some of these things just staring back at you. Okay so over to the meat case I go. Okay have to make it past the chicken feet, intestines, brains, and goat heads. Yeah right about there I wanted to PUKE!!!!!!! So I politely ask for the carne asada and El Pastor as I had decded we were not making Jenn's dinner after all, cause I had to look at things that were pretty gross to me. Now I have no problem with people eating those things but the fact that I had to see it was just wrong, LOL. I am not sure where I thought people bought those things as I know people eat them but I never expected to see them out staring at me. So we ever so politely payed for our groceries from the sweet cashier girl who was very helpful by the way and out we walked. Now on a side note our dinner tonight was absolutely fabulous and by no means i s this post a bash on anyone's culture. This is a bash on a poor white girl who obviously isn't as diverse as she thought she was! Lot's of love to my Blog readining Diva's!
These were provided to us on the safe from a fellow scrapper. Hope you enjoy reading and join along in the fun:
How often do you scrap? I try to scrap two to three times a week or more if possible.
When do you prefer to scrap? I have no time preference when I prefer to scrap. I like to scrap anytime, LOL
How long do you typically scrap for? I will typically scrap for three to four hours at a time.
How many layouts do you complete in a month? I try to complete about ten or more per month but sometimes I get in a rut and only complete a few. Depends on how busy we are.
Prefer to scrap alone, with a friend or at a crop? I love to scrap with others but I also love to scrap alone. I dislike having to try to bring everything along though.
Favorite scrappin munchie? Anything salty or sweet
Favorite beverage? (obviously, in a sippy glass... placed away from pictures and layouts) Water or ice tea
How do you organize your sessions for scrapping? Organize? What is that!
Do you build page kits? No not usually, but when I get my DT kit I try to mainly use those kits
Do you make power layouts? No not usually, I have tried but that system does not work for me.
How often do you use sketch challenges? Rarely
How often do you scrap lift? Once in while when I see a LO I love I make my own version of it.
Do you watch tv, movies, or listen to the music? I like to listen to music
Do you crop sitting ot standing? Sitting
What albums or themes are you currently working on? I do a varied family album every year. I am always working on our Disney album and I am slowly trying to get my sons T-ball coaches mini album done
Any tips or tricks to share? My only advice is to keep it real. Remember the reason you began scrapping was for your family and for memories, not for notariety.
Anything else you want to tell share about your scrapping habits? No not really as I can be a bad scrapper influence, LOL
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Okay so as some of you know there have been a few things happening with a "problem" member at the site. Well she says she has left but people have seen her on the site. But that is neither here nor there. Ever since she joined the site she has done nothing but cause problems. When she didn't make the DT she bashed those that did and did some very childish things. Then whenever someone posts something she tries to stir up contriversy. She has even accused one of our members of being a stalker, LOL. She always brings the happiness and the tone of the board down with her poor attitude. But here is the kicker the woman is of Grandmother age. Okay all the Grandma's I know do not thrive on making problems and acting like juveniles. I really think she has some major problems and wants to bring everyone down with her. Well somehow I was anonimously emailed a posting to a blog she wrote accusing us (mainly me) of being rude, LOL. I have always been very sweet. Well in her blog she said she was prettier and better than the rest of us. I just about died, LOL. She said we were all intimidated by her beauty and power. Yeah okay whatever, I have never in my life been intimidated by another person. Even women who ARE beautiful. If you are going to post something then please post the truth and not lies. People can see through lies and we all have seen through hers. She is constantly trying to pit us all against one another, but what she doesn't know is that we have all joined together as one and refuse to listen to or believe her lies. So anyway, this BLOG is not of my usual nature but I have just had it with rude people and isn't that what blogs are for? They are for venting! Love to all my Blog Reading "divas"
Sunday, June 18, 2006
What a fun day we had in San Francisco. My friend Wendy and I decided that since it was so hot where we were at we would beat the heat and take a trip to SF for the day. The dads had to work and they hate going to SF so it is left up to us to do those trips on our own. So what a perfect day to do it. So we loaded up all six of us in Greg's car because neither of us wanted to navigate our big huge trucks through SF. Well of course I left my camera in my truck so we had to go a bit out of our way to Stockton to get it from Greg at work. After picking up the camera, going through the Jack in the Box drive through to get everyone drinks, getting gas, and stopping to pee we finally made it over the Bay Bridge about 12:30pm. Well I am following the signs just as any good driver would do and boom they just stop. So what happens but we get lost, LOL. Well after driving around and finding a person who can speak English we get directions to where we need to go which was the pier. At around 2:00 pm after navigating through traffic, (yes we were thrilled at this time that we did not have the truck, LOL) we finally got ot our destination and found parking. Immediately we all made a mad dash for the famous restaurant on the pier called Alioto's. They have really delicious food. A bit pricy but right up there in cost with the rest of the SF restaurants. Of course our kids being of the Country nature know nothing about fine dining, LMAO. My kids couldn't figure out why I was tipping the girl in the bathroom, or why I wasn't all too pleased when Caden spilled his water EVERYWHERE!!!! But that is okay I love them just the way they are. We ate a delicous lunch and headed off to enjoy the wharf. We really wanted to take the kids to Alcatraz but the tours were booked all the way through Monday. So that was no longer an option. Okay never fear SF has tons to offer. So we opted for a trip through the SF bay Aquarium on the pier. The kids had a blast going through the water tunnels filled with sharks and all kinds of tropical fish. Seeing the eggs and ambryos of soon to hatch Skater fish, and of course had a blast in the touching pools. The Rays were so friendly that everytime they felt the water move they immediatly swam up to get petted. Caden's favortie was the leopard shark pups. He thought that was really cool. He also thought it was really cool to see Sea Stars with fish in their tentacles to eat them. After about an hour in the Aquarium we headed off to explore the rest of the wharf and all its offering. But of course we did not make it out of the Aquarium without a quick trip through the gift shop where Caden talked me into a "Toob of Sharks" and Devan a Hump back Whale stuffed animal. Money well wasted, LOL. From their we hit the famous Carousel by the sea. We all of course had to ride. But Wendy and I opted for the benches on the second story so we could just relax, LOL. The kids of course made a mad dash for the spinning thing. From there we ventured over to hat mania where Wendy's kids talked their mother into some hats. On to get some refreshment of ice cream and warm hot donuts. While the kids were busily choosing their treats I walked over to the famous Boudin bakery to pick up some fresh sour dough bread to bring home. By this time we are thoroughly exhausted and decide it is time to make our trek home. I hand over my keys to Wendy as I hate maneuvering my way through the hellacious traffic of SF. On our way out we grabbed a couple of pints of the famous SF clam chowder and a to go dish of Shrimp cocktail. Unbelievably it took us half the time to get home as it did to get there. Go figure but all in all it was a great day. Although my wonderful friend Wendy came up with a really funny new saying while on the road for those of us with severe road rage. She was trying to merge into a lane and there was a car full of Arab people not letting us in. So she so lovingly spouts out "I let you into my country, and you won't even let me into the lane!" Okay I just about died right there. I laughed so hard. So this is now our new saying as of course we thought it was so darn funny that we said it about everything going on while driving the freeways. Yes we are weird but just cop it up to a bit of insanity driven by a long day in SF with four children, LOL. This is a picture of the four kids together as we were leaving the pier with a sculpture of two sea lions. I will post more pictures later. Hope you enjoyed our little outing to the big city!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Okay so this post is all in fun. Lately I have acquired some new names among friends, LMAO. So I just have to share because I think they are really quite funny.
Okay so my friend Jeanne says her son has labeled me as the Awesome Amy and the Cool Amy. Those are great as long as he stays away from the Wicked Amy, LOL.
Okay so then another person I know was ranting and raving about how much she hates liberals and how much they are Bush Bashers, blah blah blah. So my only response to her, because I try really hard to keep politics out of my friendships was that not all liberals were bad and that each party affiliation had extremists. So she informed me that she had forgotten I was one of those Crazy Liberal Educators! Okay not a name I am ashamed of because I love being in education and my views are very liberal and what the heck I am crazy, LOL. But the sad thing is I never once said anything to her about Bush being a bad person and about her affiliation on the conservative side. The only thing I have ever said out loud to really express my opinion on a political side was that I did not like the No Child Left Behind Act and that I thought it set our education system up for failure. Heck three of my very best friends are Conservatives and we get along super. They all got a kick out of that new name by the way. Okay so enough about that one, as I am getting too deep in political water for my liking.
Then there is the name I was given about being a trouble maker due to a situation that happened recently on our boards. I think that name is quite funny and I am sure from time to time it fits me well.
Now of course my children like to lovingly refer to me as the mean mom. Yes it is a name I strive so hard at, LOL and my husband loves to whisper under his breath what a Bitch I am. Okay another hat I know I wear well but I love my newest acronym for it
So today at the safe I got my newest name: Are you ready for this it is the funniest of them all...........I am now officially a CD WHORE, LOL. I thought this was really really funny. My good friend Amanda decided to name me that because it seems I have too many CD's and that she can't find one to share with me. I am sure though Amanda that you probably have some great ones in your collection that I don't have and would love to have. Thanks for the good laugh today. Thanks for reading my little name euphiamisms for the day!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Okay so I guess my mom went into the hospital last night. My father had been trying to get ahold of me. Not sure which numbers he was trying but I was home. Anyhow, this morning I have a message from him that he called about 6:00 am. So I immediatly call him back. He tells me my mom is really sick with ehr gall bladder being full of stones and her bowels were not working and backed up into the rest of her organs. So I say well okay then I will pack up the kids and come. He has the nerve to tell me to either wait or not bother because my sister was coming. We all know how well my sister and I get along. So I say I will just rent a hotel room and we can avoid one another. You wold think that would work. Well that isn't good enough. Okay well then I I just won't go. Well then my DH lectures me on how I need to be there. So again I go back to that I will rent a hotel. The arguing back and forth as to what I am going to do just proceeds on and on. So I say well if you want me there so bad tell her not to come. Well he can't do that heaven forbid. So what the hell am I supposed to do. I am not going to wait five days until she is gone and they don't need me. So either they need me there or they don't I swear why does my sister have to be such a bitch that I have to deal with this now. I mean I was just really sick but no one can remember that and did anyone come to help. nope that is usually the way it is. They all get sick and I am expected to run right away. I get sick and they are all too busy to help. Okay I just needed to rant. Think I will take the kids to swim for awhile while I mull over my choices.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Okay so today my daughter had been requesting Grandma Mary's egg rolls. These are like the best egg rolls EVER!!!!! So finally after hearing her ask over and over and having my mouth water enough I decided to load the kids in the truck at 4:30 pm to go to the store to buy all the ingredients, and there are MANY!!!!! So we get them all, I cut them up with the help of my wonderful children puching into me to get to the stuff first, LOL. I then cook the pork and start the chicken for the chowmein and stir fry. All the while the kids are throwing stuff everywhere, yelling at each other and just plain getting in my way. My kitchen looked like world war 3 came and went. So Caden gets bored after finding out he can't CUT anything and goes outside. Devan decides she too is bored so she goes out side, AHHHH some peace, yeah right only for a very short time do I get that peace. In they come yelling and screaming and pusching away yet again. So I set Caden up with something to do and have Devan stir the stirfry veggies while I try to not burn anyone with the hot grease for the egg rolls. So finally an hour and half laer all is done and we get to eat. So what happens everyone enjoys the meal for like ten minutes gets up and leaves the table. Heeeellllllooooo I just cooked for the last hour and half for all of you. The least you could do is either eat slower so I have the satisfaction of knowing it was time well spent or you could clear the table. No DH has to hurry off to a softball game, Devan and Caden have to get back to their game of basketball. So who gets to celan up the whole tornado mess but me. Thenmy daughter has the nerve to tell me it was really good but Grandma Mary still beats me when it comes to her egg rolls. I am glad she loves Grandma's egg rolls but that moment was not the time to tell me that, LOL. Little turds I swear........
Monday, June 12, 2006
I know we all have someone that always seems to rub us the wrong way. I mean every time I say something this person has something to say back about what her opinion is. So recently I listed a joke that was tasteful but showed a little skin and what do I hear but how it was in her face. Okay so maybe I should have thought a little more before posting the photo but I always make sure my kids are out of the room when I open jokes. No matter what site I am on. We are all women in here and I know we can get silly from time to time. I guess maybe I am just having a bad day and this particular person rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry to anyone I offended that are really my friends. I just haven't been feeling good lately as most of you know so that picture lifted my spirits some and I had hoped to lift others. Just my little rant for the day.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I am sure you are wondering what the heck I could be writing this blog about, LOL. Well I love love love a really good baked potato. You know the kind that you pre do with all kinds of butter and seasonings on the outside before you bake them. Then once baked to perfection you cut them open and lather them up with butter, sour cream, beans, cheese, bacon bits, and scallions! Well although these are really bad for me being diabetic. From time to time I splurge and make them as part of our meal. I just need to make sure I have an appropriate amount of protein added in and then of course no desert with sugar. So tonight is one of those nights for me. Being in the hospital this last time really did a number on me and I just really want a super duper deluxe baked potato my WAY!!!!! So I get them all ready and pull out my broiling pan because I do not want them leaking on my oven bottom and what do I pull out but a really gross greasy stinky broiling pan, LOL. Okay so I have to admit this is my fault. I only use baking stones anymore. You know the ones you never ever on your life wash cause they need that baked in goodness from every time you use them. The ones that the blacker they are the more seasoned and better for cooking. Well we all know that suits my life just right since I do not like to clean, LOL. Well I guess without even thinking the last time I used the broiling pan I just stuck it back in the oven as is. Just as I would one of my stones. Boy did I learn my lesson. It was an icky mess to clean up. But at least I get my really yummy scrumptious baked potato tonight with my meal of RIBS, YUM!!!!!
It is so hard to believe summer is already here. I usually already have the whole thing planned out so as to not have to stress myslef out with having the kids home together for a long stretch of time. But I am just in this blah, not really ready to admit it is here. I have made NO PLANS whatsoever! That is so unlike me. I will probably make a trip to AZ to see my uncle and meet up with Grandma Mary but man am I possessed it is hotter than hell in the summer in Arizona! Also my brother offered to send me tickets to visit him anywhere he has a location in the US that he will be at this summer. So maybe I could hit Texas or St. Loius. I know we would like to do some camping but the tent thing just doesn't fully appeal to me, LOL. I guess I just need to suck it up. We have looked at trailers but right now really can't afford one. HMMM, what to do this summer? I do know we will be spending time at the clubhouse. That way the kids can play and swim with their friends something I know they enjoy very much! But I can't do that every day. Guess it is time to pull some old tricks out of the hat and get Creative!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Okay so I actually took these pictures and choce to record my daily grind routine on the 18th of May but I am just getting around to actually posting it, LOL. SO here goes:
7:30 am got up as it was a day off for the kids so I got to sleep in an extra hour woo-hoo. Pour myself a much needed cup of coffee. Cleaned a bit because the kids were up about an hour before me and made the mad dash breakfast, LOL. There was stuff everywhere. Of course I wasn't quite coherent enough to think to photograph it. I then sat down and checked mail to a bowl of Kashi Cereal.
8:30 am took shower, dried my hair, got dressed and put on my make-up. Wouldn't want to scare anyone!
9:15 am got back on computer and did some research and curriculum stuff for the center. Played around a little on the net, checked Myspace, The Safe, and Ebay for anything I had to have, LOL. Got off computer and cleaned the front bathroom and kitchen. Made the kids lunch.
1:00 pm loaded the kids up in the truck to run a couple of errands. Needed to get a few groceries, go to PO, and grabbed the kids an icecream from the local creamery. I cheated and had a REALLY big SUNDAE, LOL. Yes I know NOT part of my diet. When I went to PO I noticed my wholesale order from Go West was there. I was excited because I know several of my customers were anxiously awaiting their items they ordered from the new flower line. I of course was so excited about my box from Go West I opened it while indulging in our ice cream sundaes, LOL.
2:30 pm talked with Sherri on my home nad told her I would watch her kids while she went to a meeting. Got home and began packaging everyone's Go West items so I could mail them out as soon as my customers settled their accounts with me. In the mean time I completed final invoices and emailed them out as I packaged each customers items. While I was doing that wouldn't you know it Caden comes to me with a BEAD stuck up his nose, LOL. So we try to get it out to no avail. I call my friend and say I think I have to take Cade to the doctor cause he has a bead stuck. She comes over to try and remove it for me. Still no luck so off to the ER I go.
4:15 pm Drive to the ER about half an hour away all the time just mortified that I have to tell the doctor my son has a bead stuck in his nose.
4:45 pm Get to the ER and check in thank God there wasn't a wait but since we live so rurally there rarely is. Hence the reason I go there over the one our insurance covers 100%. I would rather pay a little more and have less of a wait. So we get in the room. I read the kids a couple of books in walks the doctor. He hooks up this little vaccuum sucker and has the bead out in 30 seconds flat. Wa-la wasn't that easy, LOL. Tells me there is no tissue damage signs us out and away we go. Oh of course I forgot to add that I ask him for the bead, LMAO. I had to have a picture of it now.
5:45 pm drive home and chat with Greg for a minute he tells me he is going to start BBQing the chicken. Woo-Hoo how nice he is starting dinner without me, what a treat.
6:15 pm get home dinner has been started so I put on the broccoli and rice to go with it. Sit down and check email really quick and tell everyone at the safe about our bead debacle.
6:30 pm open a bottle of my favorite wine and pour myself a really big goblet full!
7:00 pm sit down to eat dinner and enjoy more wine. We laugh and chat about our day. Dinner is pretty much a safe time in our house. A time we spend together and chat about our day.
7:30 pm get up from the table and clear it and get dishes done while Greg gets the kids going with baths and showers.
8:00 pm woo-hoo my favorite time of day the kids get put to bed, LOL. Go in and pray with them then sit down to enjoy yet another goblet full of wine. Yes by this point I am feeling pretty darn good. Probably the reason I didn't do my journal right away that night.
8:15 pm get back on computer to play around for awhile.
9:00 pm turn off computer, wash my face, get PJ's on and sit in bed to watch some TV and do a few crossword puzzles.
11:00 pm turn TV off and crash for the night!