This is my little space in the world to sit back and enjoy life and scrapbooking. I will showcase my LO's photos, life and so much more. Sit back and enjoy and as you read and comment you become one of my "Blog Reading Diva's!"
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Okay so this is the second time I am posting this today so if by some miracle my original post pops out of cyber space I am sorry Diva's. I am going to start question Tuesday. This is where I will post a few questions for us to each answer on our blog and then in turn if you so chose you can take those questions and answers to complete another AAM page for your books. I hope you all take the challenge. I will try to ask questions that are theme related so if you do chose to do a LO with those questions they aren't just something random. This weeks theme will be about your seasonal favorites. Okay so here they are along with my answers:
1. What is your favorite season?
I would have to say fall is my favorite season. I am not big on heat and summer months.
2. What is your favortie thing about that season?
I love the colors of fall. I love being able to pull out my favorite sweatshirts. I love the smells associated with fall also. The crisp cool air, hot apple cider and warm apple pie!
3. Is there something special you do during that season?
For me it is the obvious. We always take a trip to the pumpkin patch and then I try to do my annual Chirstmas card photo shoot with the kids. Although last year Caden did not cooperate. So we used our family photo instead. Which was taken in the fall!
Well there they are. I hope you will join in on this weekely challenge. I think it would be a great way to get to know one another better and to complete some more pages for our albums!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Okay so I found this girl on My Space that I grew up with all through elementary school middle school and high schhol. So we have been messaging back and forth and today this was her email to me. I am only including the portion of the email that is relevant. So here it is:
Okay so I do not remember doing this what so ever but it is really nice to know that such a simple act as giving someone my drink was remembered almost 22 years later. I am so glad to find out I was a nice elementary school aged child. It is just a nice remember that it is the little things that make someones day.
Okay I actually stole this from my ggod Friend Nancy's Blog. I liked the idea and chose to do it myself. They are five questions about the summer.
1. What was your favorite summer event?
Camping with my family at Kennedy Meadows.
2. Favorite picture of the summer?
Caden at my inlaws house playing retrieve with Toby the Lab in the pool
3. Favorite movie of the summer?
Cars, LOL
4. Best song of the summer?
Shakira's Hip's don't lie
5. Did you go on vacation, where?
Since we have a very short summer here with a modified school schedule. The only thing remotely close to a vacation was going camping, LOL.
Okay I saw this poem and had to post. I thought it was too cute to not share. I hope you find the humor in it I was able to relate too, LOL
39 shoes....39 shoes
what does that tell you?
What's a gal to do
when she's only got 39 shoes?
Wouldn't you know it
It's the very pair
I wanted to wear.
I've hunted and grunted.
searched low, then high
I'm plumb mystified
"Dang it!
Where's my other shoe?!" I cried.
Only so many places
a shoe could hide.
Retraced my footsteps
every inch; near and wide.
This has made me insane.
I've gone quite mad;
things are looking hazy.
I tell ya, I think I'm going crazy.
I've looked under chairs
and couches
up and down the stairs
I need my 40th shoe!
Now what am I going to do?
They were the perfect shade of blue.
But wait! I've got an American Express.
No need for this girl to get depressed.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Okay so today I decided to post my five most favorite things about myself and the five things I need to improve. I Felt the need to grab my inner self and remember what makes me who I am. Even though there are a few things I know I need improvement on they are a part of me and a part of what makes me who I am.
My five favorite things about myself
1. I always try to find the good in others even when they are being nasty and foul
2. I love being tall
3. I have great hair
4. I am always lively and fun to be around
5. I am not afraid to speak my mind
Five things I need to improve
1. I am completely right brained and have poor orginizational skills
2. Sometimes I talk too much
3. I am not afraid to speak my mind
4. I am too hard on my own children
5. Sometimes I don't think before I speak
Okay so I know some of you read that I am not afraid to speak my mind in both areas but this is why I posted it both places. There are times that this is really a good thing. You should never be afraid to let people know how you feel. But sometimes I get really passionate about things and it can turn others off. So I need to know when to shut up, LOL. Now I know a few things sound crazy or conceited but really I don't want them to come across that way. Sometimes I think we need to write down our good and not so good traits to grasp reality and find our innerselves. We need to be comfortable on both the inside and the out with who we are. Becuase if we aren't then we aren't good to ourselves or those around us. So my challenge to all of you is to do this same thing in some form. It doens't have to be how I did it but trust me you will find things out about yourself you may or may not have known and others will find new things out about you.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Wow sometimes life moves in the slow lane and when it does I never take the time to enjoy the quietness of it. So when life is moving in the fast lane I can remember those quieter times. Why is it as humans we are like this? I mean I am definitely the kind of girl who loves a fast paced life. I love the thrill of working under pressure and in the last minute moment. Something about it just gives me a high. Yeah I know I am weird, LOL. But it feels like sometimes I miss the good stuff. You know the stuff in life that happens when things are slowing down. When did I stop taking time to watch that sunset? When did I stop taking time to enjoy the simpler things? How many "moments" have I missed with my children because I had other things to do. I am making it my solemn goal to work on this issue. I don't want to look back and wish I had not missed that moment or wonder when my children grew up. Now you ask why today of all days are you reflecting on this. How come it hit you today. Yesterday I went in for my regular Diabetic check up and found out things are not going well. So what should have been a half hour appt turned into a two and half hour appt of poking, prodding, exams, and shots. I realized that although I have felt like I have been taking care of myself I have not been doing a great job. I don't want to go on insulin at 32 years old. I don't want my children to see their mom suffer the dabilitating areas of the disease. For these reasons I am taking responsibility and telling you all it is time for me to take a stand and start enjoying the lighter things. Maybe after I do that I will be able to make myself healthier and not wonder where the time has gone. So to all my Blog reading Diva's I hope you take the time today to notice the small things and take the time to see that sunset with your children. Trust me you will feel much better!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Okay so in less than an hour I hit the road with one of my best girlfriends for Scrapbook Expo. I am so excited. I am a bit sad though since I only get to be gone one night. But hey one night is better than none, right? Tomorrow I am signed up for some great classes, I can hardly wait. Then it is to rush home to make it to one final practice before my team hits the soccer field for their first game on Saturday morning.
Before I left I wanted to post the most up to date raffle entries for week 3's Scraptathalon RAK. They are as follows. You ladies sure have been holding your own with completing these challenges.
Denean (Denean) 5 entries
Janean (Scrapin4me) 3 entries
Margo S. (Parxmom) 8 entries
Samantha (sam1024) 4 entries
Shelley (Taylorsmom) 8 entries
Terry (Terryscraps) 3 entries.
Remember ladies this is anyones game. You ladies are doing such a super job. I love it!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Okay I was reading a post on the Blog of a wonderful person I have met through my journey of online scrapbook communities. She wrote about the things that inspire her designs. Now of course my main inspiration is my family, but I love how she posted the other things that are her inspiration. So I decided to steal this wonderful idea for my blog. Sometimes it is just the silly little things that get me excited so here are a few of mine and why.
Ribbon oh how I love ribbon. I love ribbon so much I get all giddy inside when I see it,LOL. I don't know why it is just so fun to use and so pretty. It makes my day to purchase a fun roll of ribbon. Sometimes if I am feeling a little down and are unsure what to create I play with my ribbon. It always awakens my spirits and gets my blood pumping in a way that I can create and have fun.
Flowers, I mean come on every girl loves flowers. For me though it is not the stereo typical rose. I love sunflowers and daisies. I love the way flowers compliment a nice simple LO. I love the way you can add them all over for a fun and festive look and I love the way they seem to complete a page or give it that finished look.
I don't think I am the only one out there who loves a good ALPHA. I am not alpha partial either I mean it can be chipboard, metal, sticker, acrylic, or any flavor in between. I LOVE ALPHA'S. It must be the teacher and English major in me. My DH thinks I am silly when I get all giddy by playing with really cool alphabets. I mean you can do so much with them. This is a major key component to a LO. There are times I base my LO around my alphabets. The right title or journaling can make or break your look, KWIM.PAPER
Yummy yummy paper, I love paper. Just looking at this blog post makes me realize how many things I love about this hobby. But anyways back to paper. Paper brings me so much joy. I love the varieties of colors and styles it comes in. It seems like no matter what your photo there is a paper out there to compliment it. There are so many fun makers out there it is always so fun to go and touch and feel it all.
Well This Long post was quite therapeutic to list today and it made me realize how much I love this hobby and the different aspects really affect my creativity. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Well here I am again part of the mini challenges for week 3. You ladies are doing such a super job. I love seeing everything you have created. For those of you who missed out on the awesome talent display with the week two challenge here is The Link to see the Awesome creations made using the parameters of that challenge. If you are a registered voter please put your Vote in here by midnight tonight. It is so exciting to see how each of you created such different yet awesome LO's with the same parameters. I recently posted the first Mini Challenge for you to all sign up for. This mini challenge will be posted in different components throughout the day. I see Amanda also just posted the Second component to this challenge. Tomorrow either Amanda or I will post the final part to the challenge. Ohh what could it be, LOL. Looking forward to another fun week. You guys totally ROCK!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Okay so I decided that since I posted the challenge I should at least complete my part of the challenge. I am choosing to write about the day I realized being a mom was the most important thing I had done in my life.
I remember one day a few months after Caden was born I was out to lunch with a few fellow moms. During lunch a friend walked up to me whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. She slyly said to me so I see you are "mommy" once again. I am not sure why but the statement really embarrassed me. I felt so low. I felt like someone who had done nothing special with her life. Here I was being mommy and not working in the big career of journalism I was sure I would some day be. What had I done with my life. What happened to the person who graduated with honors. The person who upon graduation had received several acceptances to big universities with scholarship offers. What happened to the person who swore her career was going to be the center of her life. Well that person had sunk to the menial job of "mommy". The more the day went on the more depressed I became. All I could reflect on were the things I had not accomplished. I reflected on silly things such as instead of wearing the latest hip smelling perfume I was wear Eau De Caden's spit up. Instead of shopping at Nordstrom I was shopping at Target. Instead of the nice career type clothes I traded those in for whatever was comfortable that day. That night I went home just severely depressed but something deep down was bothering me even more than the fact there were things I hadn't done. Then all of a sudden Caden smiled for the first time. You know that real smile. The one you know is him recognizing you and showing you he cares. That was the smile that did me in. It was right then and there I realized I was more than just mommy, I was someone's mommy. I had done something special with my life, I had brought two beautiful children into this world. Who cared if I hadn't done all those things yet I once aspired to. My most important job was right here right now with these two children who needed me. God sent them to me as an eye opener. He wanted me to cherish them and love them as they justly deserved to be loved. I am so happy to be "mommy". There is plenty of time left to do those other things and some day I will. But not until the time is right!
Okay so this is not my normal post. But today I wanted to talk about journaling. I have noticed through my travels amongst different web sites that most people are journal phobic. It makes me really sad. I have seen some amazing Layouts created that tell its own story without any help from others. But it saddens me to hear people are afraid to journal because they don't like the way they write or they don't know what to say. Scrapbooking is an art we create for our family. There is no right or wrong way to do it and there is no right or wrong thing to say. Never be afraid of sounding dumb. This is our history to our future generations. I love to open a magazine and I immediately navigate to Layouts that contain journaling. It makes me feel a part of the story, KWIM. So my challenge to you is to use your blog to overcome your fear of journaling. Find a topic you are really passionate about and write 50 words or more on that topic. I would love to see those of you who are really struggling with journaling start overcome that fear. Remember this is about you and your loved ones. No one is going to think you sound dumb!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Today I have chosen to share quotes on kindess. Sometimes I think we all need reminders. I have been seeing some really sad things going on lately in and around my life and I thought these would be good to share:
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo Buscaglia
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? - Jean Jacques Rousseau
Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do. - Emmanuel Swedenborg
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver
Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. - Seneca
Okay so I tag each and every one of you to help spread the good thoughts. Each of you who reads my blog I challenge you to find at least one nice quote to share in your blog to help make another's day!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Eww I woke up today with barely energy. I know my body is trying to fight something so I haven't been sleeping all that well. Caden has the icky yuckies and I think I am getting them too. Doesn't God know now is the time for me to get sick! I have soccer that has just started, school has just begun and we are busy little beavers around the property! So back to waking up. I get up and am just dog tired. I decide to take the kids to the bus and come straight back home. No problem will just go in my PJ's they look like a work out outfit anyway. Wouldn't you know the one day I wear my PJ's to the bus stop I actually have to get out of the truck, LOL. So I come home and think I will just lay on the couch for a minute before I start cleaning, well that minute turned into a hour and half nap from which I could barely wake myself from. You know that sleep you have to awaken from and you are trying like crazy but just can't open your eyes. It was that kind of sleep. So I got up feeling much better sleep wise but now my sinuses are raging, EWWWW I hate that, LOL. I did get my bathroom scrubbed a full hour and half of scraubbing, LOL. I got my kitchen done, floors mopped and the hardwood swept. I still need to vaccuum, do some more laundry and clean the playroom but I will leave some of that for tomorrow. I plan on spending a bit less time at school this week. Hey I have stayed away all day today aren't you proud of me. I also managed to get in a phone call to an old friend I used to work with and get caught up after a year. I did that while I was cleaning the kitchen, LOL.
So on to the Scraptathalon. Well my official full week of duties is done. The ladies did a great job of keeping me on my toes with fun challenges. They also did some amazing work. I drew the name for this weeks raffle prize winner and it was Terry. Congrats Terry I will get your RAK out in the next day or so along with those others I still need to get mailed from my pre scraptathalon challenge. I haven't forgotten it just got crazy with all those challenges I posted, LOL. Well til meet again, lots of love to my DIVA'S!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Okay so here is the most updated points for the Scraptathalon mini challenges for week 1. I have tried really hard to make sure I have awarded each person with their appropriate amount of points. Please let me know if you think there is a discrepancy. You ladies are doing such a great enthusiastic job. This has been so much fun to do this with all of you.
Denean(Denean) 4 entries
Janean (scrapin4me) 6 entries
Kathy (kacarr61) 1 entry
Margo S. (Parxmom) 7 entries
Nancy (NancyRoo) 2 entries
Samantha (sam1024) 1 entry
Shelley (Taylorsmom) 17 entries
Terry (Terry Scraps) 6 entries
Remember raffle entry points could change just like that so do not feel frustrated if you only have a couple of points racked up thus far. Also it is a drawing and the way nature works it doesn't matter if you have 50 entries or 2 entries ANYONE CAN WIN! So for those of you not playing please help cheer on these fun enthusiastic ladies!
Okay so here is a the most current update on the scraptathalon raffle points. But first of all I must wow to all the amazing LO's. We have three people already finished with their LO challenge, you girls RAWK. I have never been so in awe of a group of ladies. Oh and have you seen the tags that have been created for one of my mini challenges? If not you really need to visit this link: Tag mini challenge, to see what they did within their parameters. One of them even said they had never made a tag before and you would never have known it. You all just take challenges by the horn and get em done, LOL. Points are beginning to rack up like crazy! So without further ado here are the raffle points I promised to update:
Janean (scrappin4me) 4 entries
Margo S. (parxmom) 4 entries
Terry (Terryscraps) 5 entries
Shelley (Taylorsmom) 6 entries
Samantha (Sam1024) 1 entry
Denean (Denean) 2 entries
Nancy (NancyRoo) 2 entries
Well good luck ladies and if anyone sees any discrepincies please let me know. I hope I didn't miss anything. I am trying to keep up as we go but you ladies are so darn quick, LOL. Have a great day!
Side note to this is I just updated the points as of 12:40 pm California time.
Okay I am having trouble getting on the site to post a challenge so I figured I would do it here on my blog, hey now what a grand idea. We will see just how many of you Diva's actually pay me a visit, LOL. So the challenge for the present is as follows:
You all need to create a tag, but not just any regular tag. No this tag needs to have a journaling pocket included in it. It may not contain any of these items: Patterned paper, embossing, stamping, staples, or stickers. Any other items are fine. I will want you to post them to the message board by tomorrow morning 10:00 am PT. I will then post a poll asking for votes. You will not be able to vote for your own tag though. The person with the most votes will win not one, two, or even three entries you will win five entries into the drawing as this is an in depth challenge. Those that participate in this challenge will all recieve an entry just for participating. Please leave me acomment letting me know you saw this post. Have fun and good luck!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Okay call me crazy, call me goofy, call me whatever but I have wanted a pair of Roxy flipflops for quite awhile now. Well my one of my very best friends shows up this evening with a present for my birthday and she starts out by giving me some barettes, there is a story to tell there but I am tired and too excited to share, LOL. So I tell her how pretty they are then she starts to laugh. She hands me my real present and guess what they were!!!!!!! These wonderfully adorable Roxy Flip Flops. I jumped up and did the happy dance. See even though I love love love shoes I just wouldn't splurge and pay the money they wanted for these flip flops. She knew how badly I wanted a pair so she bought them for me. I just love her. A great big fat wet kiss out to my dear wonderful friend Wendy, which BTW is my co partner in crime in the girly girl LO, LOL. How ironic I finally do that LO and she shows up to make my day. I just love her to pieces. Okay so DH just doesn't understand why I am so excited and why I just hadn't gone out and bought myself a pair, LOL. Then I told him the price and he thanked me, LOL
Wow the ladies that have entered the safe Scraptathalon just amaze me. They are really keeping me on my toes with all the challenges this week. So here is the points thus for just for the mini challenges. My hand and Amanda's will be busy filling out all these raffle tickets, LOL. Oh and we have also had someone complete the main sketch challenge posted and she did such a nice job. But now without further ado so you can see how each person is doing so far. Now don't get discouraged because this is only day two and you never know what I will pull out of my hat over the week.
Janean (scrapin4me) 2 entries
Terry (Terryscraps) 3 entries
Shelley (Taylorsmom) 1 entry
Samantha (Sam1024) 1 entry
Denean (Denean) 1 entry
Nancy (NancyRoo) 1 entry
Okay I think ALL the ladies participating deserve a big hand, they have really been great about taking what has been trhown at them this week. Good luck ladies you are all doing awesome. I will update this list periodically so keep checking back.